K9 Training Application & Sign-Up
No one gets into the finest schools without an application!
Effective May 24, 2022: This form is now used for Consults and K9 Training.
We are now accepting new applications for 2025!
Consultations and Private Sessions are booking for March – May. Board and Trains are booking for June – August 2025.

Please be as detailed as possible in your application
Consult / K9 Training Application below:
Please be sure to add info@pupsmaine.com
to your email contact list.
We will respond by email after reviewing your application.
PLEASE NOTE: If form does not submit when you click the SUBMIT button, please scroll back and look for errors in red. Thanks!
Consult / K9 Training Application
REMEMBER: If form does not submit when you click the SUBMIT button, please scroll back and look for errors in red. Thanks!
Please allow 7-10 business days for us to respond.
Make an appointment
30-minute consultations for $50 with flexible consult scheduling and consultation fee to be applied toward training with PUPS!