Home E K-9 Training Sign-Up

K9 Training Application & Sign-Up

No one gets into the finest schools without an application!

Effective May 24, 2022: This form is now used for Consults and K9 Training.

We are now accepting new applications for 2025!

Consultations and Private Sessions are booking for March – May. Board and Trains are booking for June – August 2025.

Please be as detailed as possible in your application

Consult / K9 Training Application below:

Please be sure to add info@pupsmaine.com
to your email contact list.
We will respond by email after reviewing your application.

PLEASE NOTE: If form does not submit when you click the SUBMIT button, please scroll back and look for errors in red. Thanks!

Consult / K9 Training Application

How do you prefer to be contacted?

Is your dog neutered/spayed?

If not neutered/spayed, are you planning to do so?

Commands your dog knows (check all that apply)

Is your dog leash reactive (barks, growls, lunges)?

Has your dog ever been in a fight?

Is dog aggressive toward other dogs, animals or humans?

Is your dog reactive when guests arrive at your home?

Does your dog jump on or mouth people?

Does your dog exhibit any fearful behavior?

Has your dog ever broken out of a crate or jumped a fence?

Is your dog ever around children?

Does your dog let you groom him/her or touch his/her nails?

Is your dog crate-trained?

Is your dog food or toy aggressive?

Do you have a fenced-in yard?

Are other animals in the home?

Has your dog ever killed or injured any animal?

Has your dog ever bit a human?

Do you walk your dog?

Which of our services interest you?

1. Peace & Unity Pet Services will endeavor to create as safe an environment as possible for the training and boarding care of your dog(s) identified above (the “Dog”), and will offer only sound, safe, and responsible training, care, and post-¬boarding training instructions. Owner agrees, however, that all animals may exhibit unpredictable behaviors and that Peace & Unity Pet Services will not be liable for the actions of your dog that are outside of the control of Peace & Unity Pet Services. Owner agrees that the recommendation by Peace & Unity Pet Services of any product or service is not a guarantee of performance or Owner’s satisfaction with that product or service. CHECK BELOW

2. Peace & Unity Pet Services agrees to indemnify and hold Owner harmless from and against any claims of injury, expense, costs, loss or damages caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Peace & Unity Pet Services while Owner's dog is in the sole custody, care and control of Peace & Unity Pet Services. Owner acknowledges that Peace & Unity Pet Services have no control over Owner's dog when Owner's dog is not in the exclusive custody, care and control of Peace & Unity Pet Services. Owner agrees to indemnify and hold Peace & Unity Pet Services harmless from and against any and all claims of injury, expense, costs, loss or damages caused by the actions of Owner's dog when Owner's dog is not in the sole custody, care and control of Peace & Unity Pet Services. CHECK BELOW

3. Owner acknowledges and agrees that owning any animal, including Owner's dog, has inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of dog bites to Owner, other people, and animals. CHECK BELOW

4. I understand if I do not follow PUPS recommendations and training regiment for my dog, that my dog may revert back to his old behaviors and continue to not behave properly. You will NOT hold Peace & Unity Pet Services responsible. CHECK BELOW

5. I understand any reservation fees submitted to Peace & Unity Pet Services are non-refundable once my reservation has been confirmed, and confirmed reservations are non-transferable. CHECK BELOW

6. I hereby assign and grant to Peace & Unity Pet Services the right and permission to use, reproduce, distribute, and publish the photograph(s), film(s), videotape(s), audio and video recording(s), electronic representation(s) and/or sound recording(s) made of me and/or my dog(s) at any time during the training and/or boarding of my dog(s) by Peace & Unity Pet Services, and I hereby release Peace & Unity Pet Services from any and all liability resulting from such use, reproduction, distribution, and publication. I hereby authorize the reproduction, sale, distribution, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, and/or electronic storage of any and all such photograph(s), film(s), videotape(s), audio and video recording(s), electronic representation(s) and/or sound recording(s) without limitation at the discretion of Peace & Unity Pet Services and I specifically waive any right to any compensation I may have for any of the foregoing. Please check below to verify that you have read these terms and Agree to this Video & Photo Release Agreement.

14 + 13 =

REMEMBER: If form does not submit when you click the SUBMIT button, please scroll back and look for errors in red. Thanks!







Please allow 7-10 business days for us to respond.
















Make an appointment

30-minute consultations for $50 with flexible consult scheduling and consultation fee to be applied toward training with PUPS!

Contact Us 

Contact Info

591 Albion Rd Unity Maine 04988

Open Hours

By appointment only