Our dog Dallas is a proud graduate of a 4 week Habit Reform School that was designed by PUPS to address his issues of resource guarding, selective aggression, and poor impulse control. Dallas is a really big boy, so his issues had become a huge concern to us; PUPS was the final hope to save him from being put down for his aggression.

I’m pleased to report that Dallas is home and doing absolutely great! He came home 8 days ago and after a day or two of adjustment, it’s been smooth sailing. There’s been no sign of his previous negative behaviors, and his new skills are wonderful! I enjoy walking him now!

Chelsea is fabulous! I can’t say enough about how helpful she’s been both before and during the training process! I have also consulted with her since he came home; no question is silly, no problem too small-she’s so amazing!! I’m so grateful for her patience and assistance!! Her training skill is unsurpassed; I won’t hesitate to recommend her and PUPS to anyone in need of a dog trainer!!